Monthly Meeting Report


November 7, 2004

by James Kevin Ty

Images by James Kevin Ty & Jett Aguilar


The ALP held its November monthly meeting at Alice 041107-a.jpg (57910 bytes)Villa-Real's residence at around 3:00pm. Members who were present that meeting were Alice Villa-Real, Allen Yu, James Kevin Ty, Dante Cruz, Dante Noche, Rich Pijuan, Oscar Lei, Jett Aguilar, Lea Visaya, Arden Perez and his wife, and Hans Gideon Cerdenia.

Since the weather was ok that time, ALP director Alice-Villa-Real brought out his trusty Randy, an Orion Short Tube 80mm f/5 refractor equipped with a solar filter to let the members get a peek on what's happening that time in the Sun.  The members were treated with a good view of the Sun as moderate size sunspot group AR 10696 shows a great amount of detail both in umbra and penumbra region.

At around 3:30pm, ALP treasurer Allen Yu then started the meeting with discussion on the Caliraya stargazing session as well as the Jupiter-Venus conjunction that is well visible in the first half of the month.   Afterwards, ALP president James Kevin Ty then tackled on the ALP Christmas party as well as election of the new sets of  ALP officers for 2005.  They agreed to move   the regular 1st Sunday monthly meeting to December 12 so as to integrate the regular monthly meeting together with ALP Christmas party.

041107-f.jpg (29394 bytes)James also invited the members to attend the 2 night Caliraya stargazing session to be held on November 13-15.  This out of town session is exclusively for members only of ALP and they will be meeting at Shell Magallanes at 1:00pm. He also inform the members on the December stargazing session that will be held on December 4 at the dark skies of TGPM at Buso-Buso, Antipolo.

He also got to talk with fellow ALPers on the development of their planisphere projects and most of the them had a easy time building their own planisphere :)

At around 5:00pm, the meeting was adjourned but some of the members stayed to have more chat as well as a simple dinner hosted by Alice. While they were waiting,  James help Alice clean the optics of her Orion Short Tube 80mm refractor to remove the fungus that have resided in the inner primary objective and after   15 minutes, her ST80 refractor's optics were as clean as before again :)



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