ALP Christmas Party Report


December 12, 2004

Text and Images by James Kevin Ty


Last December 12, ALPers meet at the residence of 041212-a.jpg (60790 bytes)directress Alice Villa-Real.  Members started to converge at Alice's place starting around 2pm and by 3pm, more than 25 members and their families members join the party.   Members also brought along some potluck light snacks to share with fellow members.

The meeting also coincide with the election of officers for the year 2005.  ALP honorary director Mrs Emilia Agustin presided on the election by being the chairman of election. ALP members Angie Tan and Melisa Bata acts as assistant to Mrs Agustin in helping her counter check the results. After the members casts their votes,  Alice Villa-Real then leads a prayer for ALP and thank God for bringing the best out from all of us. Afterwards, members went to the dinner table and enjoy the foods the members brought along to the party.  It was also a time for members to chat with fellow members on the new techniques and ideas that they had learned over the months.

Then ALP president James Kevin Ty gave the year end 041212-v.jpg (53500 bytes)report as well as what the society expect to observe and do in the year 2005.  He also thank the members for their participation that lead to many successful stargazing sessions held by the society.  For the year 2004, ALPers were bale to successfully observe and record the bright comets like 2001 Q4 NEAT, 2002 T7 Linear, 2004 F4 Bradfield as well as the latest bright comets for the year ender which were 2003 K4 Linear as well as the much awaited 2004 Q2 Machholz which is expected to brighten up in January to around magnitude 4.  They were also able to observe the rare June 8, 2004 Venus Transit as well as the total lunar eclipse that was visible last May 5th. Overall, it was a good astronomical calendar for the year 2004.

041212-w.jpg (47453 bytes)Afterwards, ALP Treasurer Allen Yu then gives updates to the financial report of the society to the knowledge of the members. It was followed later by the Membership chairperson Rich Pijuan who gives the full report on how many members does the ALP have as well as gives a short list of the new members that joined the society during 2004.

Then Comelec chairperson Mrs Emilia Agustin,  after tabulating the results of the ballots, announced the elected officers for the year 2005.   They were James Kevin Ty, Alice Villa-Real, Allen Yu, Edmund Rosales, Rich Pijuan and Joel Paul Munoz.  Later , the board that were present which comprised the 2/3 needed to elect the officers position voted the following to be the new set of officers for the year 2005:


President James Kevin Ty
Vice-President Alice Villa-Real
Treasurer Allen Yu
Secretary Rich Pijuan
Auditor Joel Paul Munoz
P.R.O. Edmund Rosales
Board Members Francisco Lao, Jr
  Russell Limcangco
  Elena Moya
  Edward Tan
  Charito Ty
  Jonathan Ty
  Alfonso Uy

Elected to committee chairmanship were as follows:

Observation Allen Yu
Instrumentaton Joel Paul Munoz
Image Archivist Jett Aguilar
Education Edmund Rosales
ALPha Editor Francisco Lao, Jr.
Webmaster Jonathan Ty
Webpage Content Editor James Kevin Ty
Membership Rich Pijuan

After the announcements, ALP had a film showing to cap the party.  It was shown on wide screen TV.  The title of the movie was "The Universe: An Amazing Journey from the Sun to the Most Distant Galaxies."   It was a very educational documentary film which tackle on the current news and updates on the universe.

After the conclusion of the show, the party ended at around 9:00pm with a group portrait under the Christmas tree :)  On behalf of ALP, we all wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY ALP YEAR !!!

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For more images of this event, click here.



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©2003, 2004  Astronomical League of the Philippines Inc.