January 9, 2005 Text and Images by James Kevin Ty |
Last January 9, ALPers
have their first meeting The meeting started at around 3:15pm with some informal introduction of the members present so that Scott will feel more comfortable and also get to know the guys at ALP :) After the introductions, ALP president James Kevin Ty then updates the group with the current status of the brightening comet, 2004 Q2 Machholz which had just passed a few degrees away from the bright and popular galactic star cluster M45 Pleaides last January 7th and 8th. The comet was magnitude 4.1 during the passage near the cluster. He also invited ALPers to attend January 15th stargazing session at TGPM, Buso-Buso, Antipolo. Meeting place will be at McDo Katipunan at around 4:30pm.
Lea Visaya also presented her sketches of the comet and her Jan 7th sketch also made at Buso-Buso showed almost the same details as that of James' image with 320mm lens. That speaks of how she is improving in her skills in getting delicate details by constantly sketching and observing the comet. That should encourage fellow ALPers to also sketch their observations to improve their visual skills. The meeting ended at around 5:00pm with a group shot to star off the 2005 with a bang.
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