April 9-10, 2005 by James Kevin Ty |
Last April 9th, ALP once again had an out of town stargazing session slated at Hilltop Resort at Caliraya, Laguna. The site has been considered already the ALP's official observing site with its numerous sessions already staged there way back since 2003 :) Team ALPha which consist of James Kevin Ty, Allen Yu, Joel Munoz, Jun Lao , Orly Andico and Lalai Tagaan, Dante Cruz and John Lawrence Uy were to meet at Shell Magallanes at 1pm. Team Beta which consist of Jett Aguilar, Mac Libid, Raymund Sarmiento made their meeting place at Shell Alabang. At around 2pm, team ALPha were still waiting for John Lawrence and Dante and James got a call from John Law that upon fetching Dante, his car's battery went kaput and wont start! James then reco him to just call Motolite Fast Delivery so that a new battery was quickly delivered to their place. But since they were still at QC area, John Law inform James that they will instead make a rendezvous with the group at Shell Alabang as they will be closer there than from Magallanes. Without further ado, the group depart at around 2:30pm to meet with Team Beta at Shell Alabang. After the entire team members were complete, they then start their trip with a 7 car convoy and they arrive at the site roughly around 6:30pm. After a long trip, everyone were hungry like a wolf and
After setting up their scopes, the group started to do their stuffs. After a while, members of the group were surprised by a sudden surge of green laser beaming up to the sky! It was Raymund who has installed a green laser pointer atop his 10" scope to help him point to his desired object! James and Jett were quick to inform him to shot out to the group if he is pointing again his green laser to the sky to the laughter of the group. Reason was that both James and Jett were practically imaging the whole night and an accidental strobe of laser beam beaming across their imaging target will ruin their shot! :) LOL After a series of astro shots, James stood up and roam Going over to Joel's area, he saw him casually taking his time to observe the Scorpius and Sagittarius region and visiting old friends such as Lagoon, nearby globular clusters, and nebula as well. Over to Orly's side, he showed James his home made digital setting circle which he needs to use a calculator to compute for the alt-azimuth coordinates for a certain object. He said most of of his targets were within the field of view of his low power eyepiece. Talk about ingenuity and creativity. Although this type of method is already been used a long time ago, but it was the first time that James was able to see it locally being used. Nice work Orly! Allen then later told Jun that the only problem here at Caliraya was the western glow that comes from Lumban area. Later analysis by Jun correct the group perception on the glow. Jun Lao said it was Zodiacal Light that we were seeing and not light pollution! He drew a startling theory after he traced the shape of the glow slanting to the left. And notes that it lies in the path of the ecliptic, which can only led to an educated guess....the Zodiacal Light! It caught all by surprise as it really resembled a glow from the city, but such a glow could hardly be slanting. Allen said that he might be discounting the possibility of seeing the gegenschein in the future too, if the zodiacal light has been this easy here at the site :) Over at Raymund's scope, he can see him aligning his 10" scope to the field of view of his webcam. Raymund was trying to image Jupiter with his scope and later processing thus reveal a promising Jupiter with lots of details on Jupiter's equatorial belt region. He also was able to image the ringed planet Saturn also that night. A little more practice and he might give Jett and Chris a run for the money on quality of his planetary imaging :) As for his mount, he was very satisfied with it as it handles his huge scope very well to his liking. James, on the other hand also tried imaging once again Later, Allen called James' attention to look at his scope. He finally got Pluto after all these years! :) James then slewed his scope toward that area and since his scope is a 4" which normally can reach max to up mag 12 at dark skies. Allen then inspect also its field and indeed it was not there thus confirmed his observation of Pluto. James then imaged that field for later comparison with his sketch and also confirmed its presence on the same sketch as that of Allen's :) Congrats Allen for a job well done! As for Jett, he had already image Sombrero Galaxy, M83 Southern Pinwheel Galaxy earlier and was trying to image Omega Centauri, NGC 5139 in Centaurus. When his initial image came out from his test shot, he was overjoyed to see the globular cluster sprinkle his field of view with thousand of small shining gems of stars! He said now he knows why James haven't changed the Omega Centauri image there at the philastro-forum mailing list! :) LOL The real problem in observing in good dark transparent skies is the ever presence of the pesky DEW PROBLEM. During the course of the night, all scopes some be it either finderscope or main scope has dew covered all over it! Fortunately for James, he had learned his lessons early ahead from the group members bec of his many trips to this site has equipped his scope and guidescope with dew heaters so he didn't had that problem the whole night out. Just how bad the dew at Caliraya? When dew already covered his scope before, it still needs more than 30 minutes at max setting of his dew heater to remove all the dew in the optics! He also had experience how fast dew can cover his camera lens! In less than 2 minutes, dew will start at the center of the lens thus making his refractor or camera lens into a Maksutov look-alike :) LOL . Takes less than 5 minutes for dew to cover up the entire camera lens! Jett had to learn the heard way as he was slowed down by the constant dewing on his corrector lens as well as camera lens! He tried to wipe the dew off with a lens cloth but in less than 2 minutes, it came back to cover the lens again with a vengeance! :) Actually, James had earlier inform group members of the dew problem at the site but most of them ignore his warnings and thus had to suffer the fate! :) LOL Maybe next time around, James expect most of the Caliraya guys will either buy or make their own dew heaters to combat the dreaded DEW PROBLEM. At around 2:00am, Scorpius was already high in the sky with Sagittarius slowly rising up as well thus the full glory of the Milky Way was displayed to the delight of the group. One can see the main Sagittarius Star Cloud as the prominent Milky Way area and it spread sideways, one from Sagittarius to Scorpius area while the other area spreads from Sagittarius toward the Cygnus area. It was a sight to behold! MILKY WAY - SCORPIUS / SAGITTARIUS REGION
MILKY WAY - CYGNUS / AQUILA REGION A little later, scattered clouds passed through the dark sky and they had to wait for
almost 1.5 hrs before it becomes clear again. James then try to image All of them are looking forward to the May 7 Caliraya session for another wonderful and exciting stargazing again!!!
Below are the complete unedited personal observational reports of the following members: Jett Aguilar | Orly Andico | Dante Cruz | Raymund Sarmiento | John Lawrence Uy | Allen Yu
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©2003, 2004, 2005 Astronomical League of the Philippines Inc.