Last May 15, members
of ALP held its monthly meeting at the ever dependable place of
Rev. Alice Villa-Real. Members who were present on the meeting were James Kevin Ty, Allen
Yu, Edmund Rosales and wife Bernie, Dante Cruz, Lea Visaya, Rich Pijuan, Edgar Ang, Joel
Munoz and Hans Gideon Cerdenia. The meeting started at around 5:00pm with ALP
president James Kevin Ty summarizing the reports of last month's ALP activities.
Among the activities he discussed were as follows: April 9-10 & May 7-8, 2005
stargazing sessions`at Caliraya , Laguna ; April 16th at TGPM , Buso-Buso, Antipolo as
well as ALP 1st out of town excursion trip at Hidden Valley Resort at Alaminos, Laguna.
The months of April and May had become of the one most productive in terms of
reports and observations and imaging from the view of ALP activities. Although the
raining seems to be starting already, James still hopes the group will still have another
productive activity next month as there will be another Caliraya session on June 4-5 as
well as a possible return engagement again on June 11-12 if the June 4-5 session will be
There will also be another observation run on June 21 to
observe the Antares occultation. The group might set up separate observation sites
to observe this event. Since the event will start with the Moon already be 10
degrees low in the south western horizon and ends with Antares reappearing again when the
Moon is already 2 degrees above the south western horizon, a suitable site will be the
one that has a clear south west horizon such as a site which face the sea thus giving the
observer a better chance to glimpse the reappearance before the Moon sets. The big
factor in observing this event is a clear weather at least in the south west horizon.
Since observing this event in a weekday, there might be some problem for some
members who have work the next day so ALP plans to have 2 groups observing this event.
One will be stationed in Batangas near the beach while another group will observe
here in Manila. For more details on the event, click here
Afterwards, ALP meeting becomes a venue to celebrate ALP
VP Alice Villa-Real's advance birthday party! Alice had prepared a barbecue party
not only for fellow ALPers but also for members of WBCP (Wild Bird Club of the
Philippines) as well. The group feasted on delicious pork and chicken barbecue to
the delight of the group. ALPer Edmund Rosales even tend for some time in cooking
barbecues as he is fond of barbecues :) LOL Gee... our colleague Edmund is not
only good in teaching astronomy education but also a master cook as well :) LOL
As the group were waiting for the barbecue to be cooked,
Alice brought out her Nexstar 5 scope and set it up at the garden. The scope was
first slewed to the planet Jupiter and aside from the planet, its 4 main Jovian satellites
were also visible with Io just about to disappear at the limb of the planet. Apart
from Jupiter, the group also observe the Moon which shows a thick crescent phase and
showed a lot of lunar terminator details. They also get some view of Arcturus, the
orange star in the constellation of Bootes. Afterwards, they went back to the dining table
after the barbecue were ready for the taking :)
The 2 groups mixed at the long table and exchange
views on latest news and infos in astronomy as well as techniques and observations of
various birds that the group had observed.
The party ended at around 9:30pm but some of the group
members from both sides still stayed a little longer for more chats and barbecue. To
some it up, the meeting/party event was enjoyable and fun as well. To our collegue
Alice, once again advance Happy Birthday and may you have more wonderful birthdays
and parties to come !!! :) LOL