July 22, 2009 ALP Partial Solar Eclipse Observation in Manila
by  Henry So
Images by Henry So, Vincent Lao & Rommel Candaza


 Last July 22, 2009 ALP members who are here in Manila went to UP PAGASA to observe the total solar eclipse (partial only in Manila). ALPers who are present were Alex Loinaz, Angie Tan, Henry So, Tommy Tan, Roldan de Guia, Rommel Candaza, Dante Cruz, Jomar Lacson and Vincent Lao.

They arrived at UP around 7am and started setting up telescopes and proper solar filters. Some astro organization who were  also there are UP astrosoc and DOST. Media are also present.  Around 7:30am,  the sky becomes cloudy and they  even thought it will rain but after 15 min it cleared.  Then 10 min before 1st contact, another group of clouds covered the sun, and they weren't able to observe the 1st contact.

ALPer Alexander Loinaz here aiming his Maksutov telescope at the eclipsed Sun.

ALP Manila Eclipse Coordinator Henry So answers some questions on the eclipse  from the TV news reporters at PAGASA Observatory

Partial Eclipse Image taken by ALPer Henry So near Maximum Partial Eclipse

It cleared again after 5min. and they  were then able to start observing and imaging the partial solar eclipse. Patches of clouds come and go but not lasting for more than 10min each time and they were fortunate to have mostly clear sky the whole morning. Some of them even got sunburn. Most of the media wants to image and take video of the eclipse but they don’t have the proper solar filter so members of ALP helped them out by lending them some of their extra solar filters. The eclipse that was observe in manila turn out to be a success. At around 11:30am most of the crowd went home with the feeling of happiness and success.

Partial Solar Eclipse Sequence made by ALPer Vincent Lao of his images taken at PAGASA observatory.

Partial Solar Eclipse Sequence made by ALPer Rommel Candaza of his images taken at PAGASA observatory.

ALPers took a customary group pic after the  conclusion of the eclipse observation at PAGASA observatory.


TV Patrol Video Clip of ALP Partial Solar Eclipse Observation at PAGASA







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