ALP TEAM CEBU IMAGES: Christopher Go - H-alpha images taken using Astro-physics AP130 apochromat refractor and Philips Toucam Pro equipped with Solar Max 60 H-Alpha on AP900 GTO mount. Some of Christopher's Venus transit images were featured at Spaceweather.com
James Kevin Ty - white light images taken using Televue TV-101 apochromat refractor and Canon 300D digital camera equipped with Baader Photo Density 3.8 Filter on Losmandy GM-8 mount. Some of James' Venus transit images were featured at Spaceweather.com
Allen Yu - H-Alpha images taken using Kenko 60mm refractor equipped with Solar Max 40 H-Alpha Filter while white light images were taken with Orion 80ED refractor. Both were image afocally using Cemax 25mm eyepiece and Nikon Coolpix 885 digital camera on EQ-3 mount.
ALP TEAM UP-NISMED / MANILA IMAGES: Jett Aguilar - white light image taken through thick clouds using Stellarvue AT1010 refractor with Olympus C5050 digital camera. Afocal with 25mm Plossl eyepiece. Projection shot was taken the image projected by UP-NISMED's 8"f/15 refractor with Olympus C5050.
Alice Villa-Real - white light image taken using Orion ST-80 refractor with 25mm Plossl eyepiece; Orion solar glass filter; Nikon CoolPix 4300.
ALP TEAM CINCINATI, US IMAGES: Francisco Lao, Jr. - he was designated to image the 3rd and 4th contact of the transit as it will be visible from his location while ALP team in Manila %& Cebu can only image 1st and 2nd contact. His white light image were tqken using Meade ETX-125 with Nikon FM10 camera with 2x teleconverter equipped with Orion Solar Glass Filter. |
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