Monthly Meeting Report


July 4, 2004

by James Kevin Ty


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Dr. Jesus Torres looking at the Sun through Henry So's Orion Starmax 127 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope equipped with Baader Solar Filter.

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Dr. Torres: "Pre, where did you get your Baader solar filter?"

Henry: "I got mine from James. Most of scopes here at ALP are equipped with Baader for safe observation of the Sun, specially during the Venus transit :) "

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James Kevin Ty started the meeting with   introductions of fellow ALP members as there are many new members who join the society that meeting.

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Dante Cruz gave his impression on the Venus transit from his observation site at UP-NISMED.

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Jhun Embuido also gave his impression on the Venus transit from his observation site at Cebu City.

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Allen Yu gives a lecture to the members on how to use the  Seeing and Transparency Scale.

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Dr. Jesus Torres take a closer look at the Observer's Star Atlas Book that Joel Munoz was reviewing. "Hmmm.... this is a very interesting book that I can use as a reference to my observing project..... he he he :)"

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ALP members posed for posterity after the meeting.


For full report of the meeting, click here.


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