Below are images taken by
James Kevin Ty using 4" f/5.4 TV-101 refractor with Canon EOS 300D digital camera at
prime focus on GP-DX mount with SS2000.
Comet 2004 Q2 Machholz in Columba - a mag 7 brightening comet with
greenish nucleus and a short tail less than a degree long.. |
M42 Great Orion Nebula in Orion- All time favorite deep sky object whether
you are a newbie or veteran observer or astrophotographer. |
NGC 2024 / B33 (Flame Nebula / Horsehead Nebula) in Orion - Very difficult
to see with small scope but is an easy object for astrophotographers. Located near Alnitak
, the left most star of the belt of Orion. |
M45 Pleiades star cluster in Taurus - One of the favorites of novice
and veteran observer and astrophotogrpaher. Nebulosity is difficult to see with small
scope but is easy to image under dark skies. |
Comet 2003 K4 Linear in Corvus - significant drop in predicted magnitude
of mag 5.2. The comet was shining around mag 7.0. It shows some mottling in
the nucleus visually. When imaged, it shows a greenish nucleus with a short tail and
also a faint anti-tail (?) pointing downward from this picture. |
Leo Galaxy Triplet (M65 / M66 / NGC 3628) in Leo - the trio of galaxies
are visible within the field of view of my TV-101 refractor with 12mm Nagler at 45x
with 1.8 deg field. Will be more spectacular to see details with bigger scope. |
M81 / M82 Galaxy Duo in Ursa Major - one of my personal favorites as it is
easy and bright to image. also beautiful from my TV-101 refractor with 12mm Nagler at 45x. |
M51 Whirpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici - Sky was becoming bright already as
I tried desperately to image it, nevertheless, gives me inspiration to image it comes
January or February when it is high enough already in the sky. |
Below are images taken by Orly Andico using his
Minolta Diamge f100 digital camera.
Saturn - Just for kicks, I tried doing some single-shot afocal photos of
Saturn with a Minolta DImage F100 point and shoot. I didn't even have an afocal adapter,
so I just held the camera up to the eyepiece (homemade Erfle and 3X Meade barlow, for
100X). The results were so encouraging for a first-timer that I took a whole series of
shots, hoping to stack them. This is a stacked image of my ten best shots, after
processing with K3CCDTools |
JUPITER-VENUS CONJUNCTION - I later took some hand-held, 1/4 second shots
(with just the camera) to capture the glow from the still-hidden Sun, plus the two
planets. |
Below are images taken by Jett Aguilar using his
8" f/10 Celestron C8 with Canon EOS 300D digital camera as well as Philips Toucam
webcam on Vixen GP-DX mount with SS2000.
Constellation Orion - It was taken
with a Canon EOS 300D on a tripod, 25mm focal lenght, 15 sec exposure at ISO 1600. |
Orion Nebula - It was taken with a
Canon EOS 300D at prime focus on the C8 with a 6.3 focal reducer, GP-DX mount and SS2000.
It was an unguided 38 sec exposure at ISO 1600. |
Saturn - It was taken with a Toucam
pro on a C8 with a 2x Barlow, 1228 stacked frames and wavelet processing in Registax.
Final image was processed in Photoshop 7. |
Below are sketches made by Allen Yu using a
10" f/5.6 Dobsonain reflector with 22mm Panoptic at 64x with 1.06 degree true field
of view.
M31 Andromeda Galaxy in constellation Andromeda |
M33 Pinwheel Galaxy in constellation Triangulum |
M42 Great Orion Nebula in constellation Orion |
NGC2024 Flame Nebula in constellation Orion |
Comet 2004 Q2 Machholz in constellation Columba |
Leo Galaxy Triplet (M65 / M66 / NGC 3628) in constellation Leo |
Comet 2003 K4 Linear in constellation Corvus |