Observation  Report


November 13-14, 2004


Below are images taken by James Kevin Ty using 4" f/5.4 TV-101 refractor with Canon EOS 300D digital camera at prime focus on GP-DX mount with SS2000.



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Comet 2004 Q2 Machholz in Columba  - a mag 7 brightening comet with greenish nucleus and a short tail less than a degree long..

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M42 Great Orion Nebula in Orion- All time favorite deep sky object whether you are a newbie or veteran observer or astrophotographer.

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NGC 2024 / B33 (Flame Nebula / Horsehead Nebula) in Orion - Very difficult to see with small scope but is an easy object for astrophotographers. Located near Alnitak   , the left most star of the belt of Orion.

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M45 Pleiades star cluster in Taurus - One of the favorites of  novice and veteran observer and astrophotogrpaher. Nebulosity is difficult to see with small scope but is easy to image under dark skies.

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Comet 2003 K4 Linear in Corvus - significant drop in predicted magnitude of mag 5.2.  The comet was shining around mag 7.0.  It shows some mottling in the nucleus visually.  When imaged, it shows a greenish nucleus with a short tail and also a  faint anti-tail (?) pointing downward from this picture.

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Leo Galaxy Triplet (M65 / M66 / NGC 3628) in Leo - the trio of galaxies are visible within the  field of view of my TV-101 refractor with 12mm Nagler at 45x with 1.8 deg field. Will be more spectacular to see details with bigger scope.

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M81 / M82 Galaxy Duo in Ursa Major - one of my personal favorites as it is easy and bright to image. also beautiful from my TV-101 refractor with 12mm Nagler at 45x.

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M51 Whirpool Galaxy in Canes Venatici - Sky was becoming bright already as I tried desperately to image it, nevertheless, gives me inspiration to image it comes January or February when it is high enough already in the sky.


Below are images taken by Orly Andico using his Minolta Diamge f100 digital camera.


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Saturn - Just for kicks, I tried doing some single-shot afocal photos of Saturn with a Minolta DImage F100 point and shoot. I didn't even have an afocal adapter, so I just held the camera up to the eyepiece (homemade Erfle and 3X Meade barlow, for 100X). The results were so encouraging for a first-timer that I took a whole series of shots, hoping to stack them. This is a stacked image of my ten best shots, after processing with K3CCDTools

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JUPITER-VENUS CONJUNCTION - I later took some hand-held, 1/4 second shots (with just the camera) to capture the glow from the still-hidden Sun, plus the two planets.

Below are images taken by Jett Aguilar using his 8" f/10 Celestron C8 with Canon EOS 300D digital camera as well as Philips Toucam webcam on Vixen GP-DX mount with SS2000.


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Constellation Orion - It was taken with a Canon EOS 300D on a tripod, 25mm focal lenght, 15 sec exposure at ISO 1600.


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Orion Nebula - It was taken with a Canon EOS 300D at prime focus on the C8 with a 6.3 focal reducer, GP-DX mount and SS2000.   It was an unguided 38 sec exposure at ISO 1600.


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Saturn - It was taken with a Toucam pro on a C8 with a 2x Barlow, 1228 stacked frames and wavelet processing in Registax.   Final image was processed in Photoshop 7.


Below are sketches made by Allen Yu using a 10" f/5.6 Dobsonain reflector with 22mm Panoptic at 64x with 1.06 degree true field of view.


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M31 Andromeda Galaxy in constellation Andromeda

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M33 Pinwheel Galaxy in constellation Triangulum

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M42 Great Orion Nebula in constellation Orion

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NGC2024 Flame Nebula in constellation Orion

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Comet 2004 Q2 Machholz in constellation Columba

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Leo Galaxy Triplet (M65 / M66 / NGC 3628) in constellation Leo

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Comet 2003 K4 Linear in constellation Corvus




For Comments jkty@astroleaguephils.org

©2003, 2004 Astronomical League of the Philippines Inc.