May 19-21, 2012 ALP Xiamen Annular Solar Eclipse Report - Day 3
by James Kevin Ty
Images by James Kevin Ty, Mark Vornhusen & Jett Aguilar

Day 3 (May 21) - E-Day ,  Gulangyu Short Tour & Return to Manila

ALPers all wake up early at around 2:30am and started to make final inspection of their eclipse equipment before they go down to the lobby at around 3:30am to meet with their driver.  They left the hotel at around 3:45am en route to their  observing site.  After a 20 minute ride, they  arrived at their observing site and started to setup their equipment. James  brought along a very portable setup with a Canon EOS 500D DSLR with Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens with Canon EF 1.4x converter set at 560mm (35mm equivalent of 900mm) mounted on his portable Kenko Sky Memo-R tracker. He also brought along a small Canon Powershot 650 IS digicam for him to document activity shots as well as a Sony old model TRV-120 camcorder for him to video the eclipse ; Jett brought along his Canon EOS 7D DSLR on Borg 77ED II refractor as well as video camera and Canon EOS 50D DSLR on Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens set on sturdy tripod. Mark, on the other hand, brought along his Nikon D5000 DSLR on Russian 1000mm f/10 Maksutov mirror lens  as well as Coronado PST-Ha and a National Geographic 60mm refractor.  BTW, China standard time is same as Philippine Standard Time so need to deduct 8 hours to get GMT time just in case.

The team's  observing site is situated  near the coastal beach facing the small Kinmen island which is facing east horizon. It was a clear sky as predicted by the local weather news and indeed it was a clear day for all eclipse viewers in Xiamen! At around 5:23am local time , They got to see the first small horn of the eclipsed Sun and  started to click away. Although the sky is clear, James could sense that there is slight thin haze hovering near the Sun as his exposures were not consistent and he had to constantly change exposure almost every shot thus he had to bracket his exposures to lessen the burden. With that on hand, I had to quit doing the video because I might jeopardize my still imaging session :( With that in hand, James opted to let go of his video camera to concentrate on the still images which is his priority.

But nearing 2nd contact, a small patch of black cloud started to cover the Sun unexpectedly and all viewers there at the site were going crazy and all are yelling and hauling  for it to go away :)  But from the looks of the small clouds which covers the Sun 10 minutes before 2nd contact,  James estimated and tell his  fellow members that this small pesky cloud will exit the Sun before 2nd contact arrives and true to the prediction, the Sun came out of the small cloud like a "second contact" diamond ring and everyone was celebrating as the Sun continuous to come out part by part.  What surprises James was the visibility of  of inner corona , chromosphere , prominence  and Bailey's Beads just before 2nd contact!  The faint glow of the inner corona illuminated  the Moon's dark limb a bit! It was AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL and DRAMATIC!!! As like what fellow member Mark Vornhusen , also an avid eclipse chaser, said  " It's an annular solar eclipse that we came here to observe but we were treated with a "semi total solar eclipse" effect :) LOL 

A few more seconds passed and they  got to see the "Ring of Fire" for about 4 minutes or so before all things comes to an end 3rd contact started. They  also got to see some Bailey's Beads during the 3rd contact. As the time moves forth, the Sun started to undergo partial phases till it exits the Sun more or less around 7:21am. It was a very good, dramatic annular solar eclipse and it was worth the trip going to see this eclipse!!! After getting their customary ALP group shot, they packed up their stuffs and head back to the hotel to have a quick breakfast before going back to the hotel room to process the eclipse images. 

Sky was clear at sunrise for a horizon shot of the eclipsed Sun.

Inner Corona was visible as well as Chromosphere seconds before 2nd contact!

Chromosphere is clearly visible as well as Prominences and some Bailey's Beads seconds before 2nd contact!

Bailey's Beads clearly visible seconds before 2nd contact!

Maximum Annularity - 87.24%


3rd Contact - End of Annularity - with Bailey's Beads

Composite Image of Various Stage of Annular Solar Eclipse

Composite Image of Various Stage of Annular Solar Eclipse

ALPer Mark Vornhusen with his Nikon D5000 DSLR with 1000mm f/10 Russian Maksutov , Coronado PST and National Geographic 60mm refractor both on sturdy tripods.

ALPer Jett Aguilar with his  Canon EOS 7D DSLR on Borg 77ED II refractor with 2x converter on Takahashi Space Boy Mount , Canon EOS 50D DSLR with Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens and Video camera.

ALPer James Kevin Ty with his Canon EOS 500D DSLR with Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens with Canon EF 1.4x converter on Kenko Sky Memo-R tracker and Sony TRV-120 video camera on sturdy tripod.

Partial eclipse visible through a glass solar filter.

ALPer Jett holding an  ALP Xiamen Eclipse Pinhole Cardboard.

ALPer James holding a solar viewer to check on the partial solar eclipse phases.

Xiao Yeh using a solar viewer to observe the eclipsed Sun.

ALPers James and Jett manning their cameras and videos.

Chinese believes that  a dog can scare away the eclipse shadow for the Sun to get back its original shape :) It always works of course :)

Xiamen University Astronomical Group members were there as well to witness the annular solar eclipse !

ALPer James is busy imaging the various stages of the annular solar eclipse.

A Chinese girl is aided by his mom on how to view the eclipse Sun safely.

Xiamen University Astronomical Group members here helping ALPer Mark do a solar projection view of the eclipsed Sun.

ALPer Jett flashed the thumbs up to let ALPers James and Mark know  that he had a great time viewing the annular eclipse successfully !

XIao Yeh looks great  with the solar shades!

ALPer James posed together with a Siberian Husky who is there as well to observe the annular solar eclipse!

ALPers James and Jett are all smiles after the conclusion of the annular solar eclipse !

ALPers James and Jett congratulates each other after another successful ALP eclipse expedition!

ALP Xiamen Annular Solar Eclipse Expedition Team

Success ! See you all again in 2016 in Borneo!

At around 11:30pm, Xiao Yeah meet them at the lobby to take them to get a 10 minute ferry boat ride to the island of Gulangyu where they had a short tour of the old houses there and lastly check out the Underwater World in Gulangyu.  They check out the various aquatic fishes both plain and salt water fishes of the facility.  They also got to see a short sea lion show before they head back via ferry boat back to Xiamen City and get their luggages at the hotel en route to the airport.

One of the many ferry boats ferrying people in and out of Gulangyu.

Some of the old houses that are once owned by foreigners lin Gulangyu ike American, British, Japanese, Portugese, etc.

ALPers Jett, Mark and James posed in front of the port entry to Gulangyu.


A short Sea Lion show at the Underwater World in Gulangyu.

Nice Seahorses are on display at the Underwater World.

Giant Sea Spider

Shark vs Moray Eel :)

At the airport, their original flight time of 8:20pm was delayed by more than 50 minutes before they got to depart Xiamen to Manila at around 9:10pm.and arrived in Manila at around 11:00pm.

Overall, they went back home in the evening with a happy heart and looking forward to observing the total solar eclipse in Borneo in 2016!!! More time to prepare again :)



May 21, 2012 ALP Annular Solar Eclipse Expedition to Xiamen, China Main Page



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