April 7, 2013 ALP  GAM 2013 SUNday
by James Kevin Ty
Images by James Kevin Ty & Christopher Louie Lu

Last April 7, members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines went to Rajah Sulayman Park at Baywalk after their monthly meeting  to conduct a free public solar viewing session to celebrate the Global Astronomy Month SUNday.  ALP is also coordinating with Vietnam Ho Chi Minh Astronomy Society to conduct this events as both countries are under segment 2 of 30 nights of StarPeace Project. Members who were present to help were ALP President James Kevin Ty, wife Charito and son Kendrick Cole KC Ty; ALP Secretary Christopher Louie Lu, Gary Andreassen with wife Irma Andreassen; Ronald Sison, Per Edman with son Oliver; Mark Vornhusen and wife Arlene Vornhusen ; Bel Pabunan & Liza Quitlong; guests Canadian amateur astronomer Nolan Smith and German amateur astronomer Patrick Schmeer.

James brought along Coronado PST-Ha on Vixen Polarie Mount; Per with Orion XT6 dobsonian reflector ; Louie with Celestron Powerseeker 80 refractor with EQ-1 mount and Mark with Coronado PST-Ha on sturdy tripod and Ronald Sison with Celestron C90 Mak on sturdy tripod.  They started out at around 4:30pm  and pointed their telescopes to our solar system's closest star, the Sun.  They let the viewers look at the Sun through white light as well as Hydrogen Alpha wavelength .  NOTE:  DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITHOUT THE USE OF SAFE SOLAR FILTERS OR EYE DAMAGE WILL OCCUR !!!

The viewers were able to see huge sunspot AR11711 Sunspot Group in white light wavelength as well as several smaller sunspot groups and 2 huge eruptive prominences, AR11711 Sunspot Group and numerous flares and long twisting dark filaments!!! More than 150+ people were able to get their chance to view the Sun up close and personal that late afternoon.  They were also able to see a good clear view of sunset as well as seeing International Space Station (ISS) flyby! At around 6:30pm, they had their traditional group shot taken before packing up their telescopes and went to Aristocrat restaurant for  dinner before heading home.  A perfect SUNday indeed !!!

Canadian amateur astronomer Nolan Smith join ALPers in GAM SUNday solar observation.

Astro Kid KC take a peek at the Coronado PST-Ha.

More than 150+ people got to view the Sun in white light and Ha wavelength.

ALPer Per Edman had a great time showing the Sun to the public with his XT6 reflector.

German amateur astronomer Patrick Schmeer also join ALPers in conducting free solar observation to the public.

ALPer Gary Andreassen posed beside the Coronado PST-Ha on Vixen Polarie Mount. "  I will take her home anytime :) LOL"

ALPer James Kevin Ty beside his Coronado PST-Ha on Vixen Polarie Mount. "Look guys!  No drift!  The Sun is still at the center of field for more than 2.5 hours!!! "

ALPer Christopher Louie Lu beside his Celestron Powerseeker 80 refractor with EQ-1 mount .

ALPer Ronald Sison is all smiles as he guide the viewers on how to observe the Sun safely.

A foreigner guest takes a peek at the Sun through the Coronado PST-Ha.

Another  foreigner guest takes a peek at the Sun through the Coronado PST-Ha.

ALPers had a power dinner after a successful SUNday free solar observation!!!

Group Shot

See you on April 13 GAM Deep Sky Watch at Caliraya Laguna !!!



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