July 6, 2014 ALP Monthly Meeting Report
by James Kevin Ty & Christopher Louie Lu

Last July 6 , members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP) held their monthly  meeting at Manila Planetarium.  Members who attended were ALP President James Kevin Ty ,Secretary Christopher Louie Lu , wife Karren and daughter Frances, Auditor Edgar Ang, Edge Lat, Jason Comia ; Bel Pabunan, Harry Merida and Princess Tucio of Manila Planetarium.

Meeting started at around 3:15pm with ALP Secretary Christopher Louie Lu presenting an interesting lecture on dark matter. Our universe is filled with all different kinds of celestial objects, such as our sun, moons, planets, comets, asteroids, etc. but what we don't know is that this only represents about 4.6 percent of the visible universe. in fact, 73 percent is composed of what is called dark energy and 22.4 percent called dark matter. Their detection has changed our view of our universe yet we have no idea what they are or what they are made off. Top astronomers and astrophysicist are now on the forefront of discovery, using the largest particle accelerators found in the Geneva, Switzerland.

Meeting ended at around 5:15pm.

ALP Secretary Christopher Louie Lu presenting an interesting lecture on dark matter.

ALPers listen to Louie's interesting topic on dark matter.




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