January 10, 2016 ALP Monthly Meeting Report
by James Kevin Ty & Shubhashish Banerjee

Last January 10th, ALP held their monthly meeting at Exploreum at SM Mall of Asia. Members who attended were ALP President James Kevin Ty, VP Jett Aguilar, Secretary Christopher Louie Lu, Treasurer Andrew Ian Chan with directors Iah Serna , Shubhashish Banerjee and Mike Enage;  Fung Yu and Ruel Bermudez.  Meeting started at around 3:30pm with ALP Secretary Christopher Louie Lu giving a run down on latest Celestial Highlights  for the month of January,  This was followed by the next basic astronomy series by ALP director  Shubhashish Banerjee on entitled Astronomy 101. Shubhashish  talked about practical astronomy and how to add Astronomy to your day to day life without spending a lot of money. There are ways to explore and appreciate the universe without spending big bucks. He also discussed about the objects visible around constellation Orion and emphasized upon planning the things to see before actual star gazing sessions. The session concluded with a quick feedback from audience for future sessions.

Afterwards, ALP Treasurer and NAW chairman Andrew Ian Chan discussed on the finalization of ALP's National Astronomy Week which will be held on February 14-20, 2016.  Full details will be announce next week. Lastly, ALP President James Kevin Ty then tackle on the preparation for the upcoming March 9th Total Solar Eclipse in Indonesia.  Meeting ended at around 5:30pm and this was followed by their tradiitonal AstroKapihan and Cutting Edge SM MOA visitation.

ALP Secretary Christopher Louie Lu briefs ALPers on latest Celestial Highlights  for the month of January

ALPers listen to the various lecture and discussion topics during the meeting.

ALP director Shubhashish Banerjee tackles on the 2nd installment series of his Astronomy 101 basic astronomy lecture.

ALPers had a great dinner get together after the meeting.

ALPers also made a store visitation at Cutting Edge SM MOA to get  an updates on their latest telescope models.

ALPers had their traditional AstroKapihan to end the night.




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