March 9, 2016 ALP TSE Palembang Report
by Per Edman


Last March 9th, ALPer Per Edman , who was currently working just outside Palembang, Indonesia observe by himself there. So he did not have to go anywhere to see the Eclipse, just outside his site office.

On Wednesday morning 06:00 the sky was very clear, only some small lines of clouds on the horizon, so it looked very promising. He set up his  Go Pro Hero 3 to do a time lapse of the event, one photo every 5 seconds. Started it before first contact.

Then he distributed some of his Welding Glass Squares among my Foreign and Indonesian work friends.

At 06:20 the clouds started to for and covered up the sun almost completely. They could just glimpse it for a couple of seconds each time. He started to think that they wouldn't get to see anything, but he left the Go Pro anyway so he should get something.

At 07:19, two minutes before maximum, big holes in the clouds appeared and they could see  the eclipse!  He used his  Canon EOS 600D with a 55-250mm lens set at 250 mm, with a Solar filter and he got some GREAT photos. Just before maximum , he removed the Solar Filter and got even more AMAZING photos !

After maximum the clouds stayed away and he watched until the end.

Very nice experience.




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