January 31, 2018 ALP Total Lunar Eclipse Photo Gallery

Below are images taken by members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines. Therefore, all images are the property of ALP as well as the imager mentioned.  Any intention to use the images should seek permission to the ALP as well as the main author of the image.

Imager Notes
James Kevin Ty

2 , 3 , 4


Images taken using Canon EOS 500D DSLR on Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens set at 400mm f/11 (35mm equivalent of 560mm f/11 )  on Kenko Sky Memo-R Star Tracker mount.
Jett Aguilar


Image taken using Canon 6D DSLR on Takahashi FS102 refractor on EM-200 mount
Val Thomas Abapo

2 , 3 , 4

Taken using a Celestron SCT 8" f/10 with 0.63 reducer with Canon 650D DSLR on
Celestron AVX Mount.
Christopher Go

2 , 3 , 4

Images taken with a 180mm f/2.8 Nikon lens with a 2X Teleconverter and a Nikon D5100 camera.
Mark Ian Singson

Image taken using Canon EOS 60D DSLR in Canon EF 55-300mm set at 300mm.

Raymund Sarniento

Image taken using Canon 7D Mk2 DSLR with Canon EF 400mm f.5.6 L lens.

Val Villanueva


Image taken using  Nikopn Coolpix P900 V 1.2 set at  f/5.6 , 1 se at ISO 1600.
Ronald Sison Image taken using Nikon D5300 DSLR with Celestron C90.
Ian Kenneth Uygongco Image taken using Canon 5D Mark IV with Canon EF70-200mm f/4 IS L lens set at 200mm. 1/6 sec exposure at f/4 at ISO 6400.
Francisco Enage Image taken using Nikon D610 DSLR on TMB92 refractor with 2x teleconverter. 1/6 sec at ISO 6400 and stack of 32 frames.
Manuel Goseco Image taken using Canon EOS 600D DSLR on Celestron C8 SCT on AVX mount

For full report on the total lunar eclipse observation at SMBY , click here.



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