June 16, 2019 ALP International SUNDay Free Solar Viewing Report
by James Kevin Ty
Images by James Kevin Ty

Last June 16th, members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP) celebrated International SUNDay by giving a free public solar viewing session at SM By The Bay at SM Mall of Asia, Pasay City. Members who helped out were ALP President James Kevin Ty and son Kendrick Cole KC Ty ; Auditor Edgar Ang, Director Peter Benedict Tubalinal and Per Edman. James brought along his Canon EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 IS L lens set with Daystar Quark Chromosphere Ha Filter mounted on Vixen Porta II mount ; Per brought along a Coronado PST Ha scope mounted on Coronado Alta-zimuth mount.

The weather in the mid afternoon was cloudy and lots of Nimbus clouds that finally poured hard around 3:00pm! The thought of cancelling the event and resked next weekend was under consideration but they decided to stick it out and test their patience and they were blessed at around 4:00pm when the clouds stated to disperse and the Sun came out behind the clouds and allowed them to share the solar view to more than 300 people despite the weather condition. The Sun in Ha wavelength showed a quiet Sun with only a moderate size prominence visible in the NE limb.

The event ended at around 6:00pm when the Sun once again hides in a very thick cloud layer that ended the session. A tiring but very productive event!


Group Shot

Wacky Shot



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