The Eastern Veil Nebula

Contributor: Val Thomas Abapo  
Published: 11/07/23 

Category:  Nebulae  
Date: 08/08/23     Location: Talisay City, Cebu, Philippines 
Instrumentation: WO GT 71 APO Telescope WO Flat6A III 0.8x Reducer Celestron AVX Mount ZWO 533MC Pro Camera SVbony SV 220 Duo Band Filter 3.2Hrs NINA / DSS / Starnet++ / PS / Aug 8/10 2023. 

The Eastern Veil Nebula, as captured from Cebu, Philippines. A cloud of heated gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus. Said to be part of an exploding star expanding into the vastness of space. (3.2hrs Light Frames)