December 17, 2022 ALP Astro Experts Series Webinar 2022 with Father Christopher J. Corbally, SJ


What was the Star of Bethlehem?

This was the celestial phenomemon that guided the three Wise Men to the birthplace of the infant Jesus Christ. Was it a miracle? A fable? Or scientific reality? Jesuit professional astronomer Father Chris Corbally will try to shed some light on this gospel mystery from the perspective of modern astronomy as well as from exploring ancient wisdom.

Join us this December 17, 2022 for a free online talk by Fr. Chris Corbally, S.J., “What was the Star of Betehem?”, 8:30 PM Philippine Standard Time (7:30 AM EST, 12:30 UTC).

Fr. Christopher J. Corbally, S.J., is a Jesuit priest and astronomer with the Vatican Observatory Research Group in Tucson, Arizona. He is also an Adjunct Associate Astronomer at the University of Arizona’s Department of Astronomy. Father Corbally principally uses spectroscopy to investigate the evolution of stars, and he is co-author of the comprehensive volume, Stellar Spectral Classification. He was the Project Scientist for the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mount Graham, Arizona, and served as President of the International Astronomical Union’s Division IV (Stars) from 2009 to 2012. Father Corbally was ordained in the Society of Jesus in 1976 and earned a Ph.D. in astronomy from the University of Toronto in 1983. In 2020, the International Astronomical Union recognized his contributions to astronomy by naming asteroid 119248 Corbally.