December 15, 2024 ALP Astronomy Experts Series 2024 featuring John W. Briggs


The Astronomical league of the Philippines would like to invite you to a free online talk on “The Importance of Preserving Astronomical History” by John W. Briggs, Astronomy historian and past president, Antique Telescope Society

This will be held on December 15, 2024, Sunday at 9:30 am Philippine Standard Time/1:30 UT, December 14, 2024, Saturday at 8:30 pm EST

Abstract: Everyone interested in astronomy faces a unique challenge on how to connect with it. For some enthusiasts, the subject becomes a life-long interest with never-ending opportunities for learning, engagement, and fulfilling observation. Our fundamental understanding of the Universe remains in an exciting flux, sometimes progressing in unexpected leaps! The progress of science and technology is thus a fascinating human process with an associated sociology that ranges back through centuries.

This presentation will dramatize how the history of astronomy is a specialty that can, and should be, embraced by enthusiasts. Perhaps surprisingly, there are many grassroots opportunities for active engagement in the history of astronomy, given ongoing challenges in historical preservation. Artifacts from this history range from individual instruments to whole observatories, from publications to whole libraries, and from recollections to recorded “oral history.” Artifacts like these — some of quite grand scale — are unfortunately being shut down, discarded, lost, or so awkwardly modified in their modernization, that intangible, but often very precious, aspects are being lost. This is especially unfortunate given the potential of historical artifacts to be inspirational educational tools, at least in the hands of people who understand how to use them. With this lavishly illustrated presentation, John Briggs hopes to engage more astronomers in the fascinating history of the field.

John W. Briggs serves as Secretary of the new Alliance of Historical Observatories that has met at Mount Wilson, Palomar, Lowell and Yerkes observatories, and most recently, at the Vatican Observatory near Rome.

John served three terms as President of the Antique Telescope Society, and in 2018 he received the Society’s Newton Medal for his contributions to the organization. In 2005-2006 he served as a visiting scientist at Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. His principal activity now involves the Astronomical Lyceum, a facility devoted to historical astronomy and its preservation, and a related project to create the Mountain View Observatory Association in New Mexico.