To start off our Astronomy Experts Speaker Series for 2025, the Astronomical League of the Philippines would like to invite you to two online talks this Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 9:30 am Philippine standard Time (1:30 UTC, or January 18 Saturday, at 8:30 p.m. Eastern standard Time)
The first talk will be by Mr. Tariq Malik, the Editor in Chief of Space.com, on “The Rise of the Giant Rockets — Starship, New Glenn, Vulcan and SLS”.
Abstract: The year 2025 will mark a giant leap forward in the realm of giant rockets, with SpaceX’s massive Starship poised for a dozen flights while Blue Origin’s own New Glenn and United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan are also set to soar. We’ll learn all about these new powerful rockets, what they could mean for spaceflight and why NASA’s own giant rocket, the Space Launch System, is skipping 2025 in order to launch in 2026.
The second talk will be by the co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp, a.k.a. The Great Comet of 1997, none other than Mr. Alan Hale, who will speak on “On Comets . . . and Other Things”.
Abstract: Alan Hale’s presentation will describe his personal journey as an astronomer, from his earliest beginnings through his years working with NASA’s Deep Space Network and his research in graduate school, the discovery and appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp, and the various astronomical, educational, and other activities he has engaged in since Hale-Bopp’s departure. His current efforts focus heavily on his collaboration with the Las Cumbres Observatory’s Global Sky Partners educational forum in New Mexico. Alan will also “share some speculation on what [he] might do in the future.”