November 8, 2023 Jupiter Imaging Session

Contributor: Kendrick Cole KC Ty  
Published: 11/08/23 

Category:  Planets  
Date: 11/08/23     Location: Manila , Philippines 
Instrumentation: Meade 8" f10 SCT ZWO ASI294MC PRO TV 2.5x Powermate Vixen GPDX mount 

After going out with some of my friends, my dad and I decided to take photos of the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn. It is my 1st attempt in taking photos of a planetary object in the night sky.

When I arrived home, the viewing and imaging conditions for Jupiter was very good. The night sky had very little clouds and haze, perfect for an imaging session! Therefore, I took the chance to image my first planetary object with my dad and was thrilled with the results!

Overall, my first planetary imaging session was a resounding success! Looking forward to imaging more planets in the future!

Photo taken using ZWO ASI294 MC PRO with Meade 8" F10 Schmitt-Cassegrain reflector telescope with Televue 2.5x Powermate mounted on a Vixen Great Polaris-Deluxe mount on a tripod.

11-08-23 8:40PM