November 8, 2023 Jupiter & Saturn Imaging Session

Contributor: James Kevin Ty  
Published: 11/09/23 

Category:  Planets  
Date: 11/08/23     Location: Manila , Philippines 
Instrumentation: Meade 8" f10 SCT ZWO ASI294MC PRO TV 2.5x Powermate Vixen GPDX mount 

November 8, 2023 Jupiter and Saturn Imaging Session

The sky this evening is clear so my son KC and I setup at our parking area to try to image the 2 gas planets namely Jupiter and Saturn. We initially setup at the parking area so we can image the planet Jupiter first as it is positioned in the eastern horizon early evening. We setup the Meade 8" f/10 SCT mounted on a Vixen GPDX mount with ZWO ASI294MC Pro camera. Seeing condition is fair while imaging Jupiter and we could also see the Great Red Spot also nearing Central Meridian. Afterwards, we had to packed up and went up the roofdeck this time around to image ringed planet Saturn which is on the western horizon side. But seeing condition during this time is not that good already but nevertheless, we still proceeded to image Saturn. We also got to view the 2 planets after imaging before we packed up and called it a night. For me, this is the 1st time again for me to image them since 2018 while this is the 1st time for KC to try planetary imaging.