June 7, 2020 ALP Zoom Meeting


Last June 7, members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP), held their online zoom monthly meeting. Members who participated were ALP President James Kevin Ty and son Kendrick Cole KC Ty, director Ronald Sison, members Alberto Lao, Val Abapo, Mark Ian Singson and Joyce Gonzalves.

Meeting started at around 1:30pm with members discussing on the just concluded June 6, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The Penumbral being only 57% was very subtle and hard to notice compared to the last January 11, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse which covers a Penumbral Phase of around 90%.

ALP President James Kevin Ty then discussed on the June 21, 2020 Partial Solar Eclipse that will be visible in the Philippines. An ALP Eclipse Expedition Team would have went to Chiayi, Taiwan for this event but had to be cancelled due to the Covid 19 travel restrictions. Hopefully, ALP will send another eclipse expedition in 2023.

The meeting ended at around 3:30pm.