May 31, 2020 ALP 1st Zoom Monthly Meeting

Last May 31, some members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines (ALP), participated in their 1st Zoom meeting since its inception. Members who participated were ALP President James Kevin Ty and son Kendrick Cole KC Ty, VP Jett Aguilar, Treasurer Andrew Ian Chan and wife Secretary Justine Guillerma Garcia Chan, director Peter Benedict Tubalinal, members Mark Ian Singson, Alberto Lao, Vincent Gella, Rodel Inclan, and Joaquin Fajardo.

This was the first meeting since February that was held after the whole country was placed under quarantine due to the Covid 19 pandemic last March 16.

It was a special meeting as some inactive or busy members got a chance to join and it was made very informal so as to make the ambience light and easy.  Meeting started at around 1:30pm with ALP President James discussing on data and informations of the 2 upcoming astro events being the June 6, 2020 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse as well as June 21, 2020 Partial Solar Eclipse that are both visible in the Philippines.

VP Jett Aguilar, on the other hand discussed some safety precaution on how to protect oneself from getting infected by this virus.

The meeting ended at around 4pm. VP Jett Aguilar also mentioned that online monthly meeting will probably be made till the end of the year or perhaps till next year until a vaccine for Covid 19 virus will be made available to the public.