July 12, 2020 ALP Zoom Monthly Meeting

Last July 12th, Members of the Astronomical League of the Philippines hold a zoom online monthly meeting at 1:30pm. Members who attended were ALP President James Kevin Ty, directors Peter Benedict Tubalinal and Ronald Sison; Val Thomas Abapo, Mark Ian Singson, Dexter Cruz and Joyce Gonsalves. 

Meeting started at around 1:45pm with normal cordial chats on current events happening as well as discuss astro topic on Comet C/2020 F3 NEOWISE which has brightness outburst this week between magnitude 0 to 1.5 and was visible on the esrly morning time before sunrise. The comet will now sink further below the horizon and will become an early evening object ager sunset with an estimated magnitude between magnitude 3 to 4 till end of July 2020.

Afterwards, a discussion on astro equipment pursued with ALPers hoping fellow ALPer Val Thomas Abapo buy or fabricated a rail system for his Celestron Evolution 8 SCT scope. The meeting was fun filled as well as all attendees brought out their big guns for a beautiful group shot before ending the meeting at around 4:30pm.