November 19, 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse

November 19, 2021 Partial Lunar Eclipse

This coming November 19, there will be a deep partial lunar eclipse that will be visible in the Philippines as well as North and South America, Australia, and parts of Europe. In the Philippines, we won’t be able to observe half of this event as the Moon rises only around 17:26 Phil Standard Time (PST). At this time, we will miss the maximum eclipse of 97% which will happen at 17:03 PST. Part of the eclipsed Moon will still show a bright reddening as the Moon grazed through the southernmost part of the Earth’s shadow. But since this is near the horizon, expect a slightly dark red Moon as it is passing through the smog and clouds near the horizon. The Moon will gradually exits the Earth’s umbral shadow till totally exits at around 18:47 PST when it is about 18 Deg high only in the NE horizon. The Moon will totally exits the penumbral shadow at around 20:04 PST signalling the end of the eclipse.

Below are the circumstances of the eclipse

Moon enters Penumbra 14:02:08 below horizon

Moon enters Umbra 15:18:42 below horizon

Maximum Eclipse 97% 17:02:55 below horizon

Moonrise 17:25:51  00 Deg Alt , 70 Deg E Az

Moon exits Umbra 18:47:07  18 Deg Alt , 74 Deg E Az

Moon exits Penumbra 20:03:43  36 Deg Alt , 76 Deg E Az

Below is how the Moon will look like at Moonrise. North is up. Illustration courtesy of Eclipse 2.0 . Times courtesy of Fred Espenak.


To observe this eclipse, look for an unobstructed east horizon since this is a Moonrise event. No need to use an optical aid to view this Eclipse but one can get a better view of course through a pair of binoculars or telescope. Happy Eclipse viewing! This will be the last Eclipse event for 2021 and the next Lunar eclipse will be visible next year on May 22, 2022 but this event won’t be visible in the Philippines and Asia. The next visible one in the Philippines will be on early morning of November 9, 2022 which is a total lunar eclipse.