May 26, 2021 Total Lunar Eclipse

On the early evening of  May 26, 2021, there will be a total lunar eclipse that will be visible in the Philippines as well as Asia. The Moon will rise at around  with more or less 50% umbral partial phase  started midway already  at 06:18pm PST (Philippine Standard Time) so it is best to find an observing site with a clear eastern horizon.  This eclipse will pass near the Northern path of the Earth’s shadow thus  totality for this eclipse will be quite short at around 15 minutes only ! Moon will enter Totality at around 07:11pm PST with maximum totality phase occurring at 7:19pm PST with the Moon at around 11 deg high in the SE horizon near the constellation of Scorpius so the bright star Antares will be around 5 degrees below the eclipsed Moon.  Totality will end at around 07:26pm PST. Afterwards, the Moon will gradually start to exit the umbral shadow until it exits umbral phase at around 08:53pm PST. The Moon will totally exits the penumbral phase at 09:50pm PST signifying the end of the eclipse event.

Full Eclipse circumstances are as follows:

Moon enters Penumbra :

Moon enters Umbra :

Moonrise :  06:18:12pm  // 00 deg Alt  // 112 deg Az

Moon enters Totality : 07:11:28pm  // 11deg Alt  // 116 deg Az

Maximum Eclipse : 07:18:42pm // 13 deg Alt  // 116 deg Az

Moon exits Totality : 07:25:56pm // 14 deg Alt // 117 deg Az

Moon exits Umbra:  08:52:25pm  // 31 deg Alt // 127 deg Az

Moon exits Penumbra: 09:49:47pm // 41 deg Alt // 138 deg Az

The Moon is expected to still be bright during totality so this is also favorable for imagers who doesn’t have a motorized tracking mount. Good luck to all and clear skies!

ALP Suspends Monthly Meeting and Stargazing Session Amid Covid-19 Spread

In light of the Enhanced Community Quarantine being implemented by the Philippine Government in the entire Luzon region including Metro Manila to curb the fast spreading of the Covid-19 virus infection, Astronomical League of the Philippines Inc (ALP) will tentatively suspend all upcoming monthly meetings and stargazing sessions until this crisis and quarantine implementation is lifted by the government.  Stay Safe and please help support by staying indoors as much as possible. Thank you.